Mental Health Resources: What has helped me
Here is a list of resources I find to be helpful for dealing with anxiety and mental health issues:
1.) Author Louise Hay's books and website on the power of self-love and how it can heal every area of your life. This book is what first lead me towards recovery from anxiety disorders, phobias, and other mental health issues. Even if you don't agree with everything the [late] author wrote about in her books and website, the emphasis on loving and accepting oneself is truly beneficial and life-changing. It has changed my life around for the better, and it continues to do so. I'm still learning more and growing every day!
2.) NAMI website: NAMI is the "National Alliance on Mental Illness," the nation’s largest mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. They have great resources and offer support for those dealing with mental health issues in the U.S., including helplines and what to do in a crisis. They also list ways that people can advocate for others who are struggling with mental illness. You are not alone!
3) Positive Affirmations: Repeating self-confidence and empowerment affirmations has helped me a lot with dealing with anxiety and ruminating. It helps me to focus on the positive and distracts me from my fears, negative thinking and self-criticism. It is also very motivating for me. It can be very helpful to write them down and place them where you can see them as a reminder.
4) Positive Self-Talk: This is extremely important! Talk to yourself the way you would to a close friend or loved one (and remember to stick with it!). There is nothing worse than continuously criticizing and doubting yourself. Trust me; I've had lots of practice! Be sure to write down reminders as it can be easy to get distracted by everyday life. Treat yourself with compassion, forgiveness, and be proud of yourself for trying and never giving up. Be your own friend and ally. Give yourself compliments, encouragement and praise.
5) Vision Boards: I love creating vision boards through Pinterest to help motivate, uplift and inspire me to reach my goals in life! It can also be a fun way to simply relax and get your creativity flowing. There's no wrong way to do it, and you don't need to be a talented artist to create one. Plus, it doesn't cost anything!
6) Meetup Website: I have found this website to be helpful in finding/creating local groups to meet up with regularly with people of common interests (just make sure to be safe and that it's located in a public place!). I have been a part of local art meetups and went to one for people with social anxiety (and made life-long friendships along the way!).
What are your favorite mental health resources that you recommend to other people? I'd love to hear them! 🩷